The itinerary will be from KL - Cairo -ovenight train from Cairo to Luxor, from Luxor we will take the 4 nights Nile River Cruise from Luxor to Aswan Dam. From Aswan we will fly back to Cairo - touring Cairo and another day trip to the famous port city of Alexandria.
Along the way we will get to ride the camel (or even try camel meat), see the world famous pyramids, the Sphinx, the Thebes, the desert, oasis, the Nile Valley and hopefully to retrace the footsteps of Cleopatra, Napoleon, Pharaohs and aki Moses - mentioned in the Bible. From Cairo we will fly back to KL and finally Bintulu in time for Christmas carolling and all.
Our daughter will then take her turn to fly to London for a 2-weeks holiday as soon as we come back home - leaving behind two poor old souls to celebrate xmas alone with no children in the house this year.
Be on the look out for pictures and travel stories from Indurumahpanjai's blogspot - she will be the "Samantha Brown" stand-in normally seen in the Astro "Travel" channel. After a year of long hard works in the office and in the fields (ie Mesrafarms) what better way is there to spend a holiday than to go back and learn about the beginning of civilization and ancient Egypt!!!