Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Changing the MINDSET

People ask me why bother planting palm oil when you have nice job in airconditioned room? First its today's golden crop. Many success stories have been heard. There is one smallholder who has less than 200 trees and he earns a good RM4,000.00 per month, another has 2000 trees and he earns RM30,000.00 per month. These days even serving YBs are planting palm oil and God knows when will they have the times to serve and take care of their constituents. Well of course not everything is money. We have lawyers,off shore big shots,top company executives, firemen, safety officers,government officers etc venturing into palm oil. Of course not everyone will succeed except for those who has the determintaion and the capital.

But planting palm oil is more than just trying to make more money. For some it is a preparation to retirement days. Or something for the children to fall back on if upon graduation there is no job offer in sight. For others it is an interesting hobby or distractions from office routine, politics, boredom, and whatever have you.

For some others it is also a mean to keep the land of some use rather than keeping them idle for generations. Imagine if your palm oil can generate a monthly gross income of RM30,000 per month why do we need to prepare our children to become people's employees and why not train them to become future employers instead! This will make the children return home to their roots and become millionaires of the future. Well surely it has to start with a dream. No dream nothing happen. Desire creates dreams and dreams are stirers of emotion - your first step to action mapping.

Keeping land idle is NOT the solution. Land are useless unless you put them to good use. Those who keep their lands idle will lose it to the enterpreneurs and people who are farsighted and who dare to take risks - they will buy these land for a price you name. These land acquirers will turn them into money making machine. You have to be on guard: watch and see - a revolution is happening right in front our own very eyes. Why allow it to pass you by?

People risk their life and limbs to earn a a living and for some others to make their names famous; seeking glory and fame and later stiking riches and glory immediately thereafter. Going to ISS is one example, trekking in North pole alone is another, sailing the 7 seas, flying solo in a single engine aircraft, F1 drivers are gambling with their lives to just name a few. What is planting a few hundred trees of palm oil compare to those "pasttimes" mentioned above? Look dont be mistaken I am equally not qualified to speak on business success or motivational theories. No of course not I am merely expressing my humble opinions - just as I would like to hear yours.

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